Worship Services
Sundays 10:00am Divine Service with Holy Communion
Wednesdays 7:00pm Vespers or Evening Prayer Service (during Advent and Lent only)
Bible Studies
Sundays 9:00am Sunday School and Bible Classes for all ages.
11:00am Table Talk, a free home-cooked meal and Bible study for college students.
Mondays 10:00am Bible study geared to clients of NeuroRestorative, a traumatic brain-injury rehabilitation center.
Wednesdays 7:00am Men’s Bible Breakfast at Mary Lou’s (every other week)
Thursdays 9:00am Women’s Breakfast Fellowship (third Thursday of the month)
6:00pm College Student Mid-Week Meal & Bible Study (every other week)
Fridays 7:00pm International Student Fellowship
(on the 3rd Fridays of the month, a meal is served at 6:00pm)